On Target

The e-newsletter for the Central Ohio Aerospace and Technology Center

Brought to you by the Heath-Newark-Licking County Port Authority.

December 4, 2003

Vol. 2, No. 5



We’ve hinted about it for a few months.  Now, with the first significant snow of the season expected to arrive tomorrow, it’s time to unveil it.  The new Snow Removal Report Card system is still another effort at listening to our customers and getting feedback on how we are doing.  The system includes a review of the weather conditions, a summary of manpower/resources dedicated to combating the snow, comparisons to nearby sites, and letter grades from our tenants.  The hope is to post a report card on the web site and on on-site COATC message boards within one business day of any major snow event.  GO TO:  http://coatc.com/snow



Electronic Control Systems-USA has signed a new lease to locate a U.S. sales office at Building 125 (831 Irving-Wick Drive) on the COATC Campus.  ECS-Italy, the Italian parent company, manufacturers controls for industrial machinery.  Though the firm already has several Ohio and U.S. customers, this sales office is the firm's first U.S. operations.  The company is now in operation.  GO TO:  http://coatc.com/base/tenants.htm#ecs



The Board of Directors of the Heath-Newark-Licking County Port Authority will honor retiring board member Wally Horton for his years of service to the community.  Wally’s role in COATC goes back to the days when planning for what became the Newark Air Force Base first began in 1958.  He led the charge to retain the jobs and the economic impact through privatization and, in 1996, became the first executive director of the Port Authority.  It was his vision to see the Port Authority’s impact extend beyond the gates of the former Air Force Base.  He joined the Board in January 2002 and retired this October.  A brief ceremony will take place at the start of the open house, December 10 at 11:00 a.m. GO TO:  http://coatc.com/graphics/openhouse.gif



In just two weeks since the new COATC weather station was announced, the weather page has been viewed an astonishing 4,400 times!  This new on-Base weather station provides weather information specific to the COATC campus.  This is not from a satellite or from some distant forecaster.  This is on-site meteorological equipment gathering information real-time—where it happens, when it happens.  The station includes bridge and pavement temperatures to help with snow removal.  Best of all, the station is accessible 24/7 on the Internet for COATC personnel and visitors.  Also helping to bring traffic to COATC.com is the fact that the new station is reporting data to popular weather site, Weather Underground, for forecasts sought on cities within a 30-mile radius of Heath. GO TO:  http://coatc.com/weather



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