July 10, 2008
To tout the state's $1.57 Billion economic stimulus package, Ohio Governor Ted Strickland visited the
COATC. The visit began with a greeting of local elected officials and community leaders and a briefing on the Virtual Manufacturing Center and Boeing's future workforce needs.
The visit concluded with a tour of the construction area for the new Virtual Manufacturing Center, that included a demonstration of the virtual reality capabilities of the 70% complete facility. The VMC is a
Boeing initiative aided by a $500,000 State of Ohio and Port Authority incentive package.
The Governor spoke to those assembled regarding the state's role in technology development and, specifically, the need for Ohio to focus on innovation.
The discussion focused on the $250 million college intern and co-op component of the stimulus package and its potential for use by
Boeing and other COATC customers to develop the next generation workforce.
Base TV captured part of the visit and tour.
The visit is a part of the Port Authority's ongoing caucus-building strategy aimed at increasing knowledge among federal, state, and local officials about the impact
of the COATC.
News Clips
The Advocate: Boeing Puts Stricklands Plan
WCLT: Governor Paid a Visit
WNKO: Governor in Heath
This Week: Boeing Expansion
Photos from the Governor's visit:
 Boeing, Port Authority, and local leaders joined in greeting Governor Strickland upon his first visit to the COATC.
Virtual Reality
 The Governor was treated to a virtual tour of sites ranging from the Oval Office to a foreign country.
Rep. Dodd
 State Rep. Dodd joined in the day's activities.
Wally Horton
 The Governor recognized long-time Base-advocate Wally Horton for his contributions to the community and state.
 Governor Strickland commemorated his visit with his signature on a rendering of the VMC.
In the VMC
 The visit included a tour and demonstration of the VMC which is 70% completed.