September 2, 2008
Our Congressman took a deep dive look here Tuesday. Congressman Zack Space, who represents the 18th Congressional District in which the
COATC is located, visited the COATC for an extensive review. It was his second time at The Base.
He, personally, spent four hours on the ground here looking at industrial sites and facilities in the Heath area.
His visit included a tour of the soon-to-open Boeing Virtual Manufacturing Center, time in the underground labs of Bionetics,
and a peak in the R&D clean room with AIS’ future-looking research. He was briefed on numerous site and area competitiveness issues as well
during a windshield tour of the COATC and area industrial parks.
"Congressman Space and his office has been a help to us with so many issues in the last two years," said Port Authority CEO Rick Platt. "It was useful, I think, for him to get to see,
first-hand, the issues that we’ve talked to him about in the past and to see the product of his work."
News Clips
The Advocate: Newark AFB Still Important
Photos from Mr. Space's visit to the COATC.
VMC Preview
 Congressman Space gets a preview of the Boeing Virtual Manufacturing Center that opens September 10.
Col Mitchell
 AFMETCAL Commander, Col Mitchell, joins Bionetics reps in greeting Congressman Space before his tour of the AFPSL.
Road Project
 Port Authority CEO Platt briefs Congressman Space on the plans for the Phase III of roadway improvements at COATC.