Public Information Release
This is another news release from the Port Authority.
July 18, 2003 Rick Platt, 740-788-5500 ext. 35
HEATH, OHIO – At its recent regular meeting, the Board of Directors
of the Heath-Newark-Licking County Port Authority accepted a new
10-year capital improvements plan that predicts over $11.38 million
in capital improvements over the next 10 years. The plan outlines
major improvements expected for the Central Ohio Aerospace and
Technology Center (the former Newark Air Force Base) through the
year 2012.
Key components of the plan include:
· Public infrastructure upgrades for the 350-acre campus
total over $5.9 million, including repaving nearly one million
square feet of parking areas.
· Building improvements totaling more than $5 million,
including 385,000 square feet of roof repairs.
· Prepare for future growth through additional development
to 290 acres of vacant land purchased in 2002, including developing
over two miles of new roadways with accompanying water and sewer
· Redeveloping portions of the original Newark Air Force
Base property by relocating facilities currently housed on the
eastern and northwestern sections of the campus.
“In COATC, the Port Authority drives a facility that is a major
economic engine for Heath, Newark, and all of Licking County,”
said Port Authority Director Rick Platt. “This level of capital
investment commitment recognizes that it is necessary to modernize
existing facilities and prepare for future growth in order to help
ensure that COATC remain an important contributor to Central Ohio’s
economy for years to come.”
Adjusted for a 4.5% annual inflation rate, the total cost of the
plan could reach over $13.7 million. The total does not include
projected new business development or capital improvements
undertaken directly by COATC tenants such as The Boeing Company.
Funding for the improvements are expected to come from a variety of
sources particularly Port Authority lease revenue, land sales,
private resources, and grants.
Under the theme Planning for Modernization, the Port Authority
initiated an update to its capital improvements plan in February
in a five-step process that included accepting input from the
public and tenants of the COATC. A draft version of the plan was
distributed in April. The latest version of the plan can be found
on-line at http://coatc.com/plan.
The COATC is home to Fortune 100 companies and other high tech
aerospace and defense firms. With six of the top 20 Department of
Defense contractors, COATC is among the top five largest
concentrations of the defense industry in Ohio.
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