Public Information Release
This is another news release from the Port Authority.
March 28, 2003 Rick Platt, 740-788-5500 ext. 35
Governor’s Aerospace and Defense Council to Meet at COATC on Friday, April 4
HEATH, OHIO – A statewide meeting of the Ohio Aerospace and Defense
Advisory Council will be held at the Central Ohio Aerospace and Technology
Center in Heath on Friday, April 4. The Heath-Newark-Licking County Port
Authority is hosting the meeting in the newly-remodeled COATC Conference
Center. The meeting will begin at 10:00 a.m.
The Aerospace and Defense Council is a 17-member council focused on promoting
growth and long-term vitality for Ohio's aerospace and defense industries. The
Council is chaired by Dr. Kathryn Sullivan, President and CEO of COSI and a
former astronaut. The members are made up of business, military, academic and
legislative leaders.
“The Central Ohio Aerospace and Technology Center is a model of a community,
federal government, and industry aerospace partnership that really works for
everybody’s benefit, “ said Richard Browning, Aerospace and Defense Advisor
for Governor Taft. “The local community grows economically, while private
industry and the Department of Defense gains from a cost effective and highly
productive, highly skilled workforce. It will be good for the Governor’s
Council to visit and see first hand this unique partnership.”
The Council's meeting gives the COATC an opportunity to raise its profile
among Ohio's aerospace and defense sectors. COATC, home to operations for
two Fortune 100 companies and several aerospace and defense industry leaders,
is among Ohio's top five largest concentrations of the aerospace and defense
“This is a regular meeting of a statewide organization with great importance
to the COATC and our aerospace tenants, “ said Port Authority Director Rick
Platt. “It is significant that the Aerospace and Defense Council has chosen
Licking County as the location for its meeting. It shows the importance COATC
holds not only these industries but also for the economy of Ohio.”
Port Authority director Rick Platt will welcome the Council members. COATC
tenants will provide briefings and static displays to highlight their role in
Ohio's aerospace and defense industry sectors.
COATC was established on property of the former Newark Air Force Base which was
privatized in 1996. As part of its economic development strategy, the Port
Authority has recently increased efforts to build a caucus of informed
supporters among key federal and state officials. This statewide meeting
is consistent with that strategy.
A special web site has been set up for the event at COATC.com/oadac.
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