This is another opinion-editorial column from the Port Authority.
July 30, 2004 Rick Platt, 740-788-5500 ext. 35
By: Rick Platt
There is no deep water port on the Licking River, yet Licking County is home to
the fourth-largest port authority in Ohio.
In Toledo and Cleveland, the port authorities run deep water ports. In Columbus,
Port Columbus and Rickenbacker airports are port-authority run. Columbiana
County’s port authority owns a railroad. Pittsburgh’s port authority operates
The Heath-Newark-Licking County Port Authority doesn’t use ships, trains,
airplanes, or buses in doing its job, but the Port Authority does have an impact
for many people in Licking County every day.
The Port Authority has a three-part mission aimed at growth for Licking County.
Management: The Port Authority’s main mission is as property manager for the
nearly one million square feet of building space at “The Base” in Heath. The
Base campus is the portion of the Central Ohio Aerospace and Technology Center
(C.O.A.T.C.) which comprises the former Newark Air Force Base.
As the stewards of a facility which, in total, employs over 900 people and
impacts the region’s economy to the tune of an estimated $200 million every
year, this is an important function indeed. Boeing, Bionetics, BAE Systems,
the U.S. Air Force, and Lockheed Martin make up an impressive tenant-base which
includes a presence for four Fortune 100 companies and six of the Top 20 Dept.
of Defense contractors.
In addition to the typical building management duties, the Port Authority is
engaged in building of a different sort—caucus building. We’ve made it our
job to maintain a caucus of supporters at the federal, state, and local level
who understand the importance of The Base to national security and to the
regional economy. It’s this caucus that gives us an edge in a highly-
competitive field.
Development: With the purchase of additional acreage in 2002, the Port
Authority is now serving as developer for a 350-acre business campus. We hope
to soon be under construction with a state-funded road extension project, the
first major infrastructure improvement to this piece of property in 50 years.
Acquisition and construction are just the beginning steps toward the ultimate
goal of attracting private capital investment and jobs. Getting this unique
piece of property ready for development puts Licking County on the map for
projects that, previously, were unattainable.
Leadership: As a countywide Port Authority, we want our local developers and
economic development officials to know we are on their team—ready, willing,
and able to assist them in competing globally.
The Port Authority has been vocal about retaining competitive rail service
like the sort Licking County has enjoyed for more than a century. The Port
Authority has also been an advocate for joint economic development marketing
efforts and supported activities aimed at increased preparation for local
officials involved in economic development.
The work of the Heath-Newark-Licking County Port Authority goes mostly
unnoticed, but these are facts for which all Licking Countians can be proud.
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Platt is the Executive Director of the Heath-Newark-Licking County Port
Authority. More information can be found online at http://COATC.com.