2024 Project Archives

The Port Authority’s projects include capital projects on our Aerospace Center campus.

West Parking Lot Resealing and Striping

This project consisted of sealing and striping of parking lots west on the west side of the Campus. The parking lot in front and to the north of the Horton Building was sealed and striped. The upper parking lot on the west side was also sealed. Tru Asphalt completed this project in October.

Campus Walking Path Resurfacing

This project involved the resurfacing of the south and east side asphalt walking path on the campus. The project also included the demo and repouring of several ADA-compliant approaches. Law General Contracting began this project July 16th and completed the project August 6th.

STEMFlex® Building Improvement Project

Redevelopment of two buildings located at 1401 & 1425 Mt. Vernon Road, Newark is complete. This project included the limited demolition, building structural repairs, skylight replacements, lighting upgrades, HVAC replacement and additions, plumbing repairs and replacement, flooring repair and replacement, drop ceiling replacement, store front glass replacement and painting per the redevelopment plans. Project Construction served as the general contractor.

Tree Removal

The Port Authority saw the removal of a total of 160 invasive pear trees as part of the necessary removal phase in Phase I of the overall Dawes Landscape concept. This continues to move the campus to a more thoughtful, planned landscaping approach. Find a one-pager describing the project.

Campus Painting

The project will see painting campus wide with 80 light poles, 175 bollards, and 15 fire hydrants being painted. Coleman and Son’s Painting completed this project.

Facility Multi-Purpose Building

The Port Authority has built a 4,200 square foot multi-purpose building for storage of supplies and equipment. This replaced building 52 that has been demolished. Project Construction was awarded the contract to do the preliminary design work and construct the building.