Late 2023 Tree Removal
The tree removal is the first of a bold, new step to make landscaping an amenity of the campus. The diseased and dying trees were removed at the end of 2023. Called Dawes Landscape, the Port Authority has partnered with Dawes Arboretum to move to a more thoughtful, planned landscaping approach. The three-year, phased plan will aim to create an amenity of Ohio-native landscaping which eventually seeks arboretum status. Find a one pager describing the project. Visit a little piece of Dawes every day.

Walking Path Extension
This project involved extending the campus walking path south along the east side of James Parkway for .7 miles. This opened the walking path to the South Campus customers. Law General Contracting completed this project in November 2023.
STEMFlex® Project Groundswork
This project involves groundswork related to the overall redevelopment of the property at 1401 & 1425 Mt. Vernon Road, Newark. This project will include the removal of pavement, recontouring the site, installing stormwater drywell catch basins, asphalt paving, concrete sidewalks, site lighting and landscaping per the engineer’s redevelopment plans. Layton Excavating completed the project in October 2023.
Utility Extension
This project involves the extension of the sewer line to Behr Paint’s new facility. Behr contractor Kendrick is completing the connection of the line.
North Parking Lot Repaving
This project involves the resurfacing of the north parking lots at the COATC Base campus on the west side of the Boeing Building. This project will include the adjustment of asphalt at sidewalk approach ramps, milling, leveling of paved surfaces, repairs, the addition of a new 1-1/2” surface coarse of asphalt and the restriping of the parking spaces once resurfacing is complete. Americoat Asphalt & Concrete was awarded the project and it was completed in late June.