Roof Repair
This project involves the repair of drainage issues around the Radiac Lab to prevent roof leaks. Law General Contracting is performing the work.

Roof Section E1 & E2 Re-Rroof
This project consists of the replacement of two roof sections, E1 &E2 on the Boeing Building on the COATC Campus located at 801 Irving-Wick Drive West, Heath. The work will include, but not limited to the removal of approximately 73,215 square feet existing fully adhered EPDM Roof System and installing a new fully adhered EPDM Roofing System. Holland Roofing has been awarded this project.

West Parking Lot Resurfacing
This project involved resurfacing of the west parking lot on the COATC Base Campus. Neff Paving was awarded this contract. Work began June 7 with a one-pager describing parking impacts.

2021 Paving Project
This project involved the resurfacing of two parking lots at the Port Authority office and roadways around the COATC Campus. This project included the adjustment of asphalt at sidewalk approach ramps, repair of potholes, milling, leveling of paved surfaces, full depth repairs, the addition of a new 1-1/2” surface coarse of asphalt and the restriping of the parking spaces and roadways when the resurfacing was complete. Law Extreme Asphalt was awarded the contract. The project will began in September 2021.