Port Authority Board's First Meeting
The above is copied from the
March 10, 1995 edition of On Target.
March 2005
It's been more than 10 years ago that Newark AFB learned of its pending closure and more than 40 years since the base's newspaper, On Target, was first published. From a complete collection of On Target newspapers,
the Port Authority's Bill Wright created a month-by-month look at The Base through the years.
10 Years Ago - March 10, 1995
The Heath-Newark-Licking County Port Authority conducted its first meeting, in laying the groundwork for a close working relationship with the Newark Air Force Base Reuse Commission.
Reuse Commission members chose a Port Authority to be the governing body for the facility as part of the overall reuse plan the commission had been working on since early 1993. The Port Authority would be the landlord for the former base.
Three members each representing Heath, Newark, and Licking County were appointed.
Serving from Newark on the board were, Robert Klingensmith, Jerry Besancency, and Dan DeLawder.
Heath members were, Dan Dupps, Jeff Crabill, and Mary Jane McDonald.
Charles Manning, John Oberfield, and Lewis Mollica were selected by the Licking County Commissioners.
The Port Authority took over management in October 1996. Robert Klingensmith and Mary Jane McDonald still serve as active board members today.
15 Years Ago - March 15, 1990
The Newark Air Force Base won the Air Force Logistics Command’s Installation Excellence Award for FY89. This award recognized the great strides made by all in creating an atmosphere of pride, excellence and teamwork.
According to recent testimonials received by the Port Authority, these characteristics are what make The Base a successful work environment today.
20 Years Ago - March 7, 1985
Members of the Roads and Grounds crew dug a six foot cube in Clean Room 5 where an isolation pad was to be built.
This area today is being redone for the new AWACS project that is moving from Corinth, TX.
25 Years Ago - March10, 1980
During a Red Cross meeting at the Consolidated Open Mess where Lt. Gen. Edmund F. O’Conner was the principal speaker, a surprise guest showed up. It was funny lady of theater and movies Martha Raye. A member of Special Forces and veteran of 3 wars, Miss Raye was an honorary member of the Green Berets and a lieutenant colonel. In her remarks to the Red Cross Guests, she recounted numerous ways the Air Force had supported her in her mission for the wounded in Vietnam. Miss Raye died in 1994.
35 Years Ago - March 26, 1970
AGMC was assigned the specialized repair activity (SRA) for a new inertial measurement system to be installed in the F-105 in an aircraft modification called Thunderstruck II. The modification was designed to increase navigational accuracy.
With this repair being done in the early 70’s it just shows that The Base was high tech before high tech was high tech.
40 Years Ago - March 4, 1965
$2.5 Million construction began in building 4. The major construction area was the entire southwest corner of the building. This portion consisted of large platform, clean room areas, and calibration labs on the ground floor with a total of 34,500 square feet of new space. A second floor of administration offices was also constructed adding 50,000 square feet of new space. Also a new entrance was added on the south side of the building.
Future Issues
April 2005
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